Political Correctness
Analysis Higher Education Political Correctness PSU instructor punks X audience with critique of ‘student’s’ work
Text actually was from anti-collectivist 20th-century philosopher.
Cancel Culture Political Correctness Racial issues White jazz professor canceled for criticizing critical race theory plans lawsuit
Students claim comments 'affected their mental health'; petition demands his dismissal.
Analysis K-12 Education Political Correctness The end of ‘restorative discipline’? Parents, teachers are fed up
Due to things like 'viewing class disruptions through a trauma-informed lens.'
Art and Culture Opinion Political Correctness Shakespeare scholar: Richard III’s ‘chaotic reign’ can teach us about Trump
'Much like Trump ... Richard did not lead with morals, ethics or integrity'
Art and Culture Curriculum Political Correctness Teachers union wants to ‘challenge whiteness’ in art curricula
Teachers should ask about 'colonial narratives' and 'Western lens through which art ... is often viewed.'