LGBTQ Political Correctness Move over Sigma Alpha Epsilon: ‘Rap battle’ features anti-gay slurs at U. of Oklahoma
Trying to meander through the PC hierarchy.
Bias Free Speech LGBTQ Professor’s peers are judging whether he should be fired for defending a student who opposes gay marriage
'The precedent set for the remaining tenured faculty will be ripe for abuse' if John McAdams is fired.
Curriculum LGBTQ Political Correctness University language guide advises against ‘policeman,’ ‘mailman’ and other ‘man-made’ words
Guide also suggests to switch up conventional order of 'he or she' to 'she or he.'
Free Speech LGBTQ Political Correctness Easily offended college kids are ‘on the right side of history,’ raunchy comedienne says
'A sign of being old' when you think free speech is more important than coddling students.