Feminism LGBTQ Political Correctness Student op-ed: ‘Genitalia-centered rhetoric’ of women’s movement is biased to transgenders
'Intentionality and critical thinking' seem to be missing from well-intentioned white women.
Bias LGBTQ Politics Winning student government candidate disqualified because he’s heterosexual, Rick Perry says
Would Texas A&M let 'the first gay student body president' be disqualified for 'charity glow sticks'?
Feminism LGBTQ Religion Princeton Seminary revokes award for popular NYC preacher because he’s too conservative
'We are a community that does not silence voices in the church,' says president.
K-12 Education Legal LGBTQ Student, conservative groups sue school district after trans student uses ‘wrong’ locker room
With a straight face, gay group says 'This does not need to be made into a litigious issue.'
K-12 Education Legal LGBTQ School recruits kids for adult-led LGBTQ club after parents tell it to stop
Parents refused to sign permission slips the first time its sister school tried to set up the Gay-Straight Alliance.