Art and Culture LGBTQ Racial issues UW-Milwaukee art series to host ‘queer metalsmith,’ paid for with student fees
Artist is self-described ‘nonbinary creature maker.’
Curriculum LGBTQ Racial issues ‘Vampire Cinema’: University of Florida English classes lean into identity politics, watching films
Watch movies about vampires, read 'Early LGBTQ Literatures' at University of Florida.
K-12 Education LGBTQ U. Arizona accused of soliciting minors for LGBTQ+ program without parental consent
'Pride' program funded by $1.2 million federal grant.
Legal LGBTQ Sports Oregon HS track coach fired for proposing ‘open’ division for transgenders sues district
'An open division ... doesn't identify or discriminate but offers an opportunity to participate.'
Cancel Culture LGBTQ Sex Ed NIH kicks out scholars critical of gender identity from ‘sex and gender’ event
Scholars ponder legal action against taxpayer-funded institute.