Curriculum Free Speech LGBTQ Only three of 23 faculty running for task force on free speech are ‘overt defenders of free speech’: report
New faculty letter says 'public debates about freedom of expression can have a silencing effect.'
Curriculum Free Speech LGBTQ University admits it violated its own rules to investigate TA for gender-neutral debate video
President's statement may seek to regulate speech through 'hate' section, professor warns.
Curriculum Free Speech LGBTQ Faculty union claims they face ‘violent speech and actions’ daily, but won’t specify – to protect members
'I cannot, in good conscience, supply any further information to you.'
Curriculum Legal LGBTQ Tweets by lawyer investigating gender-neutral pronoun controversy suggest he supports ‘forced speech’
Requiring lawyers to affirm 'obligation to promote diversity' is simply 'humility, discussion and compassion.'
Curriculum Free Speech LGBTQ LGBT center was behind complaint against TA who showed class gender-neutral pronoun debate
Her fellow TA: 'We’re not there to generate controversial discussion and do any deep-dive critical thinking.'