Legal Sexual Assault Sports Expelled basketball captain ‘intends to sue’ Yale for making him ‘whipping boy’ in rape case
Credulous to believe that a person was raped who came back to bed the same night, lawyer says.
Bias Legal Sexual Assault Title IX has nothing to do with sexual behavior, judge rules in ‘Mattress Girl’ case
In dooming Paul Nungesser's lawsuit against Columbia, judge may have set back rape accusers as well.
Bias Legal Sexual Assault University of Texas tells its police to hide evidence that favors students accused of rape
The goal is not to 'find out what actually happened' but to cripple the defense's strategy.
Curriculum Legal Racial issues U. Chicago Law School grads say Antonin Scalia was ‘racist’ for giving them low grades
But ... he didn't didn't know the IDs of students when he graded exams?
Legal Sexual Assault Sports Yale basketball captain expelled based on evidence standard that starts at 31% confidence
'We witnessed how the UWC policies go against established law and strip an accused student of due process.'