K-12 Education
Curriculum K-12 Education Political Correctness Middle school lesson separates students into ‘privileged’ and ‘targeted’ groups
'To help students understand that everyone is different and everyone experiences the world differently'
Activism K-12 Education Legal Activist group demands establishment of ‘sanctuary schools’ in Philadelphia
Group also wants police defunded, all immigrants in ICE detention freed
K-12 Education Opinion Racial issues Black parents group launches anonymous ‘School Racism Reporting Tool,’ issues demands
What could possibly go wrong?
Analysis K-12 Education Student shocked to discover he won’t graduate high school with 0.13 grade point average
Mom says she had no idea her son passed only 3 classes in four years
Healthcare K-12 Education Politics Teachers union upset that school board member told them it’s time to return to the classroom
Prayed for teachers, students during comments.