K-12 Education
K-12 Education Legal Religion Student suspended for privately discussing Christian beliefs sues school district
He and his friends were 'stealing others’ happiness.'
Analysis K-12 Education Political Correctness Pricey Manhattan private school ‘updates’ logo, mascot to ‘combat institutional racism’
Gets rid of "A.D." and Latin word for "God" due to religious connections.
Analysis K-12 Education Political Correctness Professor/school board member: Treat unvaxxed students like ‘knife-wielders,’ ‘the intoxicated’
The ridiculous COVID hyperbole continues ...
Analysis K-12 Education Politics Pennsylvania school board member to parents: ‘No, I don’t work for you’
Curmudgeon-like op-ed doesn't seem to get what holding elected office is about.
Activism K-12 Education Religion HOAX ALERT: Hate crime against Muslim high school student did NOT happen
Investigation puts kibosh on allegations which led to a student walkout, petition