K-12 Education
Curriculum K-12 Education Politics Iowa Republicans ask why future teachers learn about ‘compulsory heterosexuality’
Question what 'anti-oppressive literature instruction' is about.
Curriculum K-12 Education Two-thirds of North Carolina eighth-graders can’t read proficiently. Teacher prep programs don’t make the grade.
A North Carolina law mandates teaching phonics, but most educator prep programs scored poorly in recent review.
Curriculum K-12 Education Politics Virginia teachers union, Democrats oppose teaching about victims of communism
Union said bill would 'may encourage anti-Asian sentiment.'
K-12 Education Politics Racial issues Black History Month: Florida teacher makes white students act as servants for black students
'Swift action will be taken to terminate employment,' district says.
K-12 Education Political Correctness Racial issues School district apologizes for offering chicken and waffles, watermelon for Black History Month
'Reinforces negative stereotypes concerning the African-American Community.'
Activism K-12 Education Legal Asst. principal asks school staff for donations to pay illegal immigrant student’s ‘coyote’
'We have a student who came to America with 'Coyote,' which is a group that helps people.'