K-12 Education
K-12 Education Legal Politics School board member resigns after making Trump ‘assassination’ social media post
'Trump needs to take in a show at Ford's Theater.'
K-12 Education Legal Religion Nice lawsuit you have there: Federal court tosses out ‘Clock Boy’ civil rights suit
The court cannot 'reasonably infer that any [...] employee intentionally discriminated against' Mohamed.
Free Speech K-12 Education Legal Lawsuits challenge HS suspensions for interacting with offensive Instagram post
Will test how far school officials can go in regulating off-campus behavior.
Curriculum K-12 Education Political Correctness Canadian school district ditches Shakespeare for ‘indigenous literature course’
'Does [Shakespeare] resonate with Canadian kids?'
Abortion/Pro-life Free Speech K-12 Education Principal who screamed at pro-life teens supported by 50,000-signature petition
Student: 'He was in the right for wanting to protect students.'