K-12 Education
Free Speech K-12 Education Technology Student suspended for sharing a news article about lawsuit against school district
Commenter claiming to be student says he shares far worse things but was never punished before.
Curriculum K-12 Education ‘Churchill in, Columbus still out’: Conservative scholars weigh in on AP European history framework’s revisions
'Above all, the College Board failed to include liberty.'
K-12 Education Political Correctness New Jersey high school will use ‘gender neutral’ caps, gowns for graduation this year
'An effort to meet changing gender dynamics.'
K-12 Education Political Correctness Racial issues Music teacher sues principals for calling her choice of music ‘racist’
Sounds like administrators using their politically correct white privilege.
Abortion/Pro-life K-12 Education Legal Ex-principal who berated pro-life teen protesters says he’s now subjected to harassment
Claims he's battled depression and anxiety since his adolescence.
Free Speech K-12 Education Legal School district sued for shutting down conservative club over criticism of ‘flag protesters’
School district can't legally force students to 'respect' those who protest the flag, suit claims.