K-12 Education
K-12 Education Politics Sex Ed New Texas law threatens Planned Parenthood sex-ed curriculum that normalizes child sex
Local governments not allowed to purchase from abortion providers and affiliates.
K-12 Education Legal Politics Teachers can’t hide behind First Amendment to engage in ‘sickouts,’ federal court rules
Shirking their employment obligations to protest legislation harmed parents, children and taxpayers.
K-12 Education Legal Sexual Assault The jury ignored DNA evidence to send this high schooler to prison. He just graduated from law school.
Jeffrey Deskovic didn't stop after winning a multimillion-dollar judgment. He continues to exonerate those like him.
Ad allegedly not authorized, likely illegal.
Anti-Semitism Curriculum K-12 Education Illinois school district cans ‘Teaching Palestine’ lesson after controversy
Be wary when the term 'critical' is used in education circles.