K-12 Education
K-12 Education Politics Racial issues School board member compares local juvenile detention hall to Nazi concentration camps
'LGBTQ students, youth of color, impoverished youth' disproportionately targeted.
Activism K-12 Education Racial issues Papa John’s alleged ‘racism’ jeopardizes school district contract
More knee-jerk demagoguery over actual context.
K-12 Education LGBTQ School to get ‘inclusive environment’ training after teacher refuses student’s pronoun request
'I will NOT refer to you with female pronouns. If this is not acceptable for you, change classes.'
K-12 Education Racial issues White Privilege School superintendent: White people have to ‘rewire their brains’ due to implicit biases
Also says Trump 'preaches hate on a daily basis.'
Anti-Semitism K-12 Education Politics California halts ethnic studies curriculum: ‘not a single mention of anti-Semitism’
Leaders agree with Jewish groups that it 'needs to be substantially redesigned.'