Analysis Healthcare K-12 Education Teachers union head demands schools remain closed, but sends her kid to open private school
Also: the district superintendent jets off to see an NFL game in Florida during the pandemic
Abortion/Pro-life Healthcare Opinion University of Pittsburgh approves creation of ‘humanized rodents’ with late-term aborted babies
Same university that retaliated against professor for arguing race preferences hurt med students.
Activism Healthcare Higher Ed Bubble Students demand university cut top salaries, sell off real estate to plug COVID-19 budget hole
Focus on building campaigns 'has completely warped the character of higher education.'
Healthcare Higher Ed Bubble Politics Universities refuse to cancel rents for students locked out of campus housing under COVID protocol
Students threaten 'rent strike' after some forced to pay more than $4,000.
Healthcare Politics Biden appoints healthcare rationing proponent at Penn to policy role; medical ethicists remain quiet
Came under criticism for disability and coronavirus paper.