Healthcare K-12 Education Politics Governor Ron DeSantis says new CDC guidelines would close almost all schools in the country
Public health experts have reversed position on linking school reopening to community COVID infections.
Healthcare Higher Ed Bubble UC-Berkeley lifts ban on outdoor exercise after New York Times questions ‘Covid absolutism’
Ignores request for scientific evidence that backs 'sequester' in dorms.
Healthcare Racial issues Penn researchers finds increase in black and Hispanic opioid overdoses linked to COVID lockdown
Public health leaders won't push for an end to lockdowns.
Healthcare Higher Education Racial issues University of Washington launches ‘Center for Antiracism in Nursing’
'Much work' needed to fight racism, nursing dean says.
Healthcare K-12 Education Politics Teacher vaccination not a ‘prerequisite’ for school reopening, CDC director says
White House tries to walk it back.
Analysis Healthcare Opinion A pool of drool: A student’s perspective on required twice weekly saliva COVID testing
OPINION: UW-Madison has me spitting in a cup twice a week, and it feels excessive and even potentially reckless.