Analysis Healthcare Despite 95% vaccination rate, Cornell today has five times more COVID cases than it did this time last year
ANALYSIS: If the goal is to prevent infection, the 95 percent vaccination rate on Cornell’s campus has not accomplished that.
Healthcare Higher Education Politics University of Wisconsin President Tommy Thompson defies Republican legislature on schools’ COVID plans
'The UW system is not required to seek political approval for every internal management decision,' he said
Healthcare Legal Religion Judge denies MSU employee’s natural immunity vaccine exemption, but grants students’ religious exemption
Both lawsuits have future court dates as the cases remain unresolved.
Activism Healthcare Higher Education FIRE wins recognition for single payer club, still suing medical school over First Amendment violation
'These kinds of violations will continue to happen to other students' legal expert warns.
Healthcare Legal Politics After implementing a vaccine mandate, Amherst requires double-masking and limits student travel
Despite issuing a vaccine mandate for students, faculty, and staff to return to campus this fall, Amherst College has implemented a slate of new restrictions, including double-masking and limiting student travel to the town of Amherst.