Feminism Free Speech LGBTQ University investigates feminist grad student for saying men can’t become women
But UCSB refuses to say whether invalidating transgender identity is a conduct-code violation.
Feminism Legal Religion Wiccan sues Catholic university for religious discrimination after losing her post as dean
'St. Bonaventure made me a witch.'
Feminism Religion Sex Ed Coalition forms to advance the sexual revolution at Catholic universities nationwide
Student Coalition for Reproductive Justice delivers condoms and Plan B.
Feminism Opinion Political Correctness Adjunct furious at article on cancelation of NYU’s ‘Reporting on the Far-Right’ course
'Reprehensible,' 'triggered the far right,' and endangered a journalist.
Curriculum Feminism Political Correctness Researchers improve teacher evaluations for women by telling students they’re biased
But if universities broadly deploy anti-bias language, 'students would be less likely to notice' it.