Curriculum Free Speech Politics New Hampshire considers bills to kill free speech zones, protect faculty whistleblowers
But no protection if you drone on the whole class about unrelated issues.
Activism Curriculum Racial issues Oberlin Black Student Union demands payment for time protesting — among many other things
Try to keep a straight face.
Curriculum Higher Ed Bubble Racial issues Instructor complains that Rutgers has ditched his course on Beyoncé
Was part of women's studies, but now a section of ... American studies?
Curriculum Religion Professor/janitor who sought to point penises at theater audience dumped by Catholic college
Sexual harassment for talking about mythological 'bigendered entities'?
Curriculum Rutgers leaders declare campus founded by pillaging racists, earmarks funds for diversity teach-ins
University marks 250th anniversary by launching 'enslaved and disenfranchised populations in Rutgers history' committee.
Curriculum Higher Ed Bubble Mizzou admits HALF its tenured faculty got permission to shirk their teaching duties
It's actually a money-saving measure!