Curriculum Higher Ed Bubble Woke professor says he’ll excuse students from a quiz if they’re lovesick
You're not 'humane' if you even ask students why they want to miss class.
Curriculum Feminism Racial issues Student presents thesis in her underwear to protest female professor’s comment about her jean shorts
'All of us feel that our professor’s words and actions were unfairly represented,' other students write.
Curriculum LGBTQ Religion Catholic university draws criticism for gender studies courses that tout ‘the queer self,’ critique masculinity
Marquette U. professor: 'We are not a seminary.'
Curriculum Sex Ed Sexual Assault American University disputes it orders students to agree women can revoke consent after sex
'It’s creating a culture that it’s okay to re-write history and rescind your consent when you’re not happy.'
Activism Curriculum Racial issues Student activists demand ‘reparations’: exclusion of white authors from humanities course
'Reed freshmen will still receive the message that learning about white culture is more urgent.'