Abortion/Pro-life Curriculum Healthcare UC-San Diego biology course compares preborn children to cancer
Each 'rapidly grows, invades, manipulates immunity, reshapes blood vessels.'
Analysis Bias Curriculum UC Berkeley’s ‘Right-Wing Studies’ conference casts right wing as alt-right white supremacists
Southern Poverty Law Center is co-sponsor of event.
Curriculum Free Speech K-12 Education High school refuses to coddle students, subjects them to controversial speakers
Worthington High School teachers rush headlong toward the 'land mines' of controversy.
Anti-Semitism Curriculum Politics Student government rejects resolution to fire president for protecting Israel study-abroad program
Resolution claimed it hurts fundraising if you defend academic freedom.
Curriculum Free Speech Racial issues Emory faces censure complaint for punishing law professor who referenced n-word
Retired Emory law professor says university should be on academic probation with ABA, AAUP.