Bias Free Speech UCSB student newspaper editors pledge to reject opinion pieces that cause discomfort
'Pieces that directly infringe on the safety or sense of security of any individual or group do not have a place in our section.'
Bias Curriculum Penn State defends assignment asking students to ‘explain why the Taliban is not a terrorist organization’
Student calls assignment 'completely unacceptable.'
Bias Healthcare Penn State professor: Maybe masked drunk drivers should speed through ‘pro-covid’ neighborhoods
'The faculty member regrets his poor choice of words.'
Bias Curriculum U. of Memphis scraps plan to pay professors to infuse social justice into coursework
'Taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund a woke socialist agenda.'
Bias Curriculum University censors professor’s syllabus for his controversial native land acknowledgement
'The statement Stuart Reges included in his syllabus was inappropriate, offensive and not relevant to the content of the course he teaches.'