Anti-Semitism Curriculum K-12 Education School principal: ‘Not everyone believes the Holocaust happened’
Should not be 'forced upon individuals.'
Anti-Semitism Free Speech Politics Administrators want to bring this Jewish student group on campus. Will faculty let them?
Hillel refuses to partner with groups that support BDS. But Adelphi University thinks it will boost Jewish interest in school.
Anti-Semitism Bias Free Speech Williams College refuses to change process that led to rejection of pro-Israel group
Administration practically invites 'unchecked discrimination' against Jewish students again.
Anti-Semitism Bias Legal Williams College under federal investigation for discriminating against Jewish students
Based on student government's refusal to recognize pro-Israel student group.
Anti-Semitism Curriculum K-12 Education Illinois school district cans ‘Teaching Palestine’ lesson after controversy
Be wary when the term 'critical' is used in education circles.