Activism Anti-Semitism Free Speech Pro-Palestinian Berkeley law student argues she had right to crash Jewish dean’s backyard party
Legal experts say pro-Palestinian free speech claims ‘meritless.'
Activism Analysis Anti-Semitism Vanderbilt student arrested and expelled for role in anti-Israel sit-in has ties to White House
Student denies he assaulted security guard.
Activism Anti-Semitism Police in riot gear arrest 20 pro-Palestinian protesters who stormed college president’s office
Protesters allegedly used racial slur, president cracked down on disrupters.
Anti-Semitism Higher Education While other elite universities see applications spike, Harvard’s applications drop
Antisemitism, loss of affirmative action, bad publicity cited as possible factors.
Analysis Anti-Semitism Opinion Details of extreme antisemitism at Stanford exposed in new investigative report
'In a remarkably short period of time, aggression and abuse have become commonplace, an accepted part of campus activism.'