Anti-Semitism Cancel Culture Free Speech Anti-Israel film canceled after Montgomery College condemns it
College says it wants ‘safe space for true dialogue and understanding.'
Anti-Semitism Cancel Culture Opinion Someone destroyed our pro-Israel display in five hours. It will not silence us.
OPINION: In contrast, pro-Palestinian students are able to have displays for weeks without interference.
Activism Anti-Semitism Religion Jewish staffer quits Clark University, citing ‘hate-filled’ backlash to private advocacy
Advocacy groups say schools must do more to protect staff from antisemitism.
Analysis Anti-Semitism Grads denied convocations during COVID now hit with commencement cancelations amid protests
‘Depriving people of meaningful rituals,‘ anthropologist says.
Activism Anti-Semitism Police clash with aggressive pro-Palestinian protesters outside Pomona College graduation
'Officials say some protesters charged at officers and one was arrested after attempting to strike an officer.'
Activism Anti-Semitism Comic books, monuments, historic buildings targeted by pro-Palestinian protesters
Attacks intended to stir up ‘anger by those who love this country’: historian.