Activism Free Speech Be thankful for the vigorous, uncomfortable, invaluable clash of ideas this Thanksgiving
America, land of both the right to the offend and the privilege to see the good in people.
Activism Curriculum Racial issues ‘Private’ demands from Cornell Black Students United leaked on social media
Yet more insistence on new required coursework -- a.k.a. indoctrination.
Activism Bias Political Correctness Black student newspaper blocks mainstream journalists from covering ‘safe space’ at Jesuit school
Only journalists with a history of 'reporting the stories of students of color' are allowed in.
Activism Political Correctness Racial issues Princeton faculty petition supports campus Black Justice League protesters
But ... fifty-four faculty members out of how many?
Activism Political Correctness Racial issues Dickinson ‘blackout’ event claims minority students are ‘ignored,’ ‘swept under the rug’
'Oppressive' and 'hostile' campus environment.