Abortion/Pro-life Bias Free Speech University blesses referendum to revoke recognition from pro-life club for its views
Could face legal liability for violating promise to students, says civil liberties group.
Abortion/Pro-life Higher Education Legal Following new law, university moves toward stripping abortion coverage from student insurance
The law was passed following a College Fix report.
Abortion/Pro-life Bias Legal A college rescinded unconstitutional speech policies nine years ago. It’s getting sued for reinstating them.
No 'objective or comprehensive guidelines, standards, or criteria' for evaluating applications.
Abortion/Pro-life Higher Education Dozens of schools cover 100 percent of abortions with their student insurance coverage
The coverage includes elective and 'medically necessary' procedures.
Abortion/Pro-life Healthcare Sports UMich football coach says abortion is ‘horrendous.’ Critics say his coaching record is worse.
Including a student journalist who promotes the 'best vibrators.'
Abortion/Pro-life Higher Education Legal N.Y. Catholic Conference: State’s campus emergency contraception mandate would be ‘morally abhorrent’
The pills can cause early abortion and help spread STDs, they argue.