Abortion/Pro-life Legal University of Pittsburgh targeted black babies for their organs with taxpayer dollars: report
The latest public records release gives further evidence to Pitt’s role in fetal tissue trafficking.
Abortion/Pro-life Religion Health system refuses to work with Catholic hospitals because they won’t commit abortions
A state senator had urged the board of regents to cut ties.
Abortion/Pro-life LGBTQ Religion Catholic providers booted from university health system for not committing abortions
They also don’t provide ‘trans inclusive care.'
Abortion/Pro-life Analysis Opinion Jesuit college openly defies the Vatican, refuses to let Catholics decline COVID vaccine
Boston College falsely implies that Pope Francis said everyone must get vaccinated.
Abortion/Pro-life Activism Pro-life student group wants to oust Fauci over role in aborted fetal tissue research
Students for Life has met with Senators to share their concerns.
Abortion/Pro-life Free Speech University officials appear to ignore request to limit pro-life group’s access on campus
Student government wanted a university employee to fact-check advertisements from a pro-life nonprofit.