Survey findings ‘demonstrated an anti-Black racial bias representative of the structural and systemic racism endemic to the U.S.’
Female teachers reported higher levels of “closeness” with elementary school girls according to a study.
But the professors behind the study say their results show more training is needed on racism and that “white privilege” is systemic in the education system. While the paper mentions “sexism,” it largely focuses on race.
The scholars wrote that non-white teachers also felt lower levels of “closeness” with black male students. Black girls are closer to their teachers than white males are, the study also found.
Still, the results “demonstrated an anti-Black racial bias representative of the structural and systemic racism endemic to the U.S,” Virginia Commonwealth University’s education school dean Professor Kathleen Rudasill wrote.
Her university touted the results in an Aug. 14 news release, though versions of the paper first came out in the early summer.
“Our results indicate that racism and sexism work together to explain the perceptions teachers have of children in the early elementary grades,” the paper’s abstract stated. “Implications for training teachers and school psychologists on anti-racism and cultural competency are discussed.”
“In addition, being a boy in the early elementary environment may be another aspect of marginalization given that a large majority of early elementary teachers [are] female and White,” the scholars wrote.
“While teachers’ ratings of closeness with all students decreased from kindergarten to second grade, their level of closeness with white girls remained highest, followed by Black girls, white boys and finally Black boys,” VCU reported in its news release.
The data came from a 2010-2016 longitudinal study, so its applicability today is questionable. But let us assume that the findings are true – the problems may only get worse.
Many school teachers today are female or feminine men. There is an emphasis on pushing gender ideology onto kids at a younger and younger age. The rise in “social emotional learning,” will only further the problems boys face in getting an education. This is not really about race, but about gender and ideology. (Read “The War Against Boys” by Christina Hoff Sommers if you need further proof).
Today it is trendy to push for DEI training and to show you are woke and understand that racism is everywhere. But it takes more to courage identify a possible problem – education is biased against boys and will continue to do so as long as emotional learning and gender theory are being pushed onto girls and boys by woke teachers.
Teachers should not have “closeness” to students, but if they want to connect and help them learn, then the feminization of education must be stopped. That will make white and black male students feel more comfortable and may help them become more engaged.
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IMAGE: Gagliardi Photography/Shutterstock
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