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Pro-life chalk displays cover campus sidewalks this week

And some got destroyed

Campus sidewalks across the country were covered with pro-life messages like “Human life has value” and “Choose life” on Tuesday, all projects of students who advocate for unborn babies’ right to life.

Their efforts were part of National Pro-Life Chalk Day, led by Students for Life of America.

An annual event, the goal for this year was to “raise awareness about Planned Parenthood’s deadly business model and highlight the humanity of the preborn children whose lives are taken every day by abortion violence.”

Many of the chalked messages Tuesday, posted to the pro-life clubs’ Instagram pages, were positive and encouraging.

Students with Georgetown Right to Life wrote bold messages such as “Love them both,” a reference to the mother and the unborn baby, and “Every life is precious” across their Catholic university’s brick sidewalks.

The Students for Life club at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill used their sidewalk chalk display to direct students to free pregnancy and parenting resources.

Some displays were more elaborate and eye-catching. The colorful paisley depiction of a baby in the womb by Bowling Green State University’s pro-life club is just one example.

Bowling Green State University’s pro-life club created this display for National Pro-Life Chalk Day on Tuesday.

However, a few were targets of vandalism, Students for Life spokesperson Jordan Estabrook told The College Fix in an email Wednesday.

“Given that abortion supporters are more than happy to cheer the destruction of preborn children, it’s no surprise to us that they would destroy life-affirming chalk art,” she said.

Estabrook said someone “explicitly” poured water over a large chalk message (pictured above and below) that Kennesaw State University’s Students for Life club had created just a few hours earlier.

The Georgia students’ “Life begins at conception” display was evidently targeted because “no other parts of the sidewalk were wet,” she said.

Pro-life students’ sidewalk chalk display at Kennesaw State University was the target of vandalism, according to Students for Life.

Students for Life of Gonzaga University in Washington state posted evidence of a similar incident on its Instagram page. One of the students’ photos of their chalk display shows water poured over the message “Women need love and support, not abortion.”

Many higher education institutions openly support abortion. Some professors even have students do abortion advocacy projects for class.

But neither the dominant belief nor the vandalism that often occurs has deterred thousands of students from their pro-life advocacy.

“Despite the expected vandals, this has and will never stop the Pro-Life Generation (PLG) from spreading the pro-life message,” Estabrook told The Fix.

MORE: Barnard students create do-it-yourself abortion guide, ‘abortifacient’ garden

IMAGE: Students for Life of America, BGSU Falcons for Life/Instagram

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About the Author
Micaiah Bilger is an assistant editor at The College Fix.