Their record won’t even show their lawbreaking
Climate change protesters shut down the Harvard-Yale football game last month until security removed them from the field. Hundreds of spectators joined them.
What consequences will these privileged students and alumni suffer for their lawbreaking? The same “punishment” doled out to Ivy League students all the time: a slap on the wrist.
The Harvard Crimson reports that a Connecticut judge ordered the charged students and alumni – 10 from Harvard and “at least” 19 from Yale – to complete five hours of community service before their next court date Jan. 27. Their charges will be dismissed if they complete the service:
[Judge Phillip] Scarpellino strongly recommended that students do their community service with Project Green Thumb, an alternative to paying fines for some offenses in New Haven. The project helps clean up New Haven Green, a public space in the center of the city. They are not required, however, to serve locally.
Before the terms were handed down at the Friday hearing, the Harvard students’ lawyer said he would ensure that his incredibly privileged clients get away with their lawbreaking “without any record, any criminal record, any infraction record in the world.”
Not only did they unfurl “large banners calling on Harvard and Yale to divest their endowments from fossil fuels and Puerto Rican debt,” but also staged a sit-in. Some left “only after police told them they were under arrest,” the newspaper said.
Fifty people were charged with disorderly conduct. One Harvard alum who was charged did not show up for the hearing, according to the Crimson.
MORE: Climate change protesters charge onto field during football game
MORE: University gets slap on the wrist for ruining innocent student’s life
IMAGE: Mat Hayward/Shutterstock
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