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Student Movement Challenges Promiscuity on Campus

Just in time for Valentine’s Day. File this in the “new counterculture” category:

PRINCETON, NJ—What was once a holiday for showing appreciation and affection to loved ones has increasingly become an excuse to celebrate promiscuity and raunchy behavior on college campuses.  But this Valentine’s Day a growing number of college men and women are calling this “hook-up culture” out for the harmful messages and unhealthy behaviors it promotes by challenging their peers to a hard look at the realities of the college hook-up scene through a poster and web-based campaign Words That Still Matter.

The week of February 11-15, students at 25 universities, including Harvard, Georgetown, Stanford, and Holy Cross will hang 4,400 posters across campus, feature ads in their campus newspapers, and for the first time this year, use social media to share the campaign’s interactive website WordsThatStillMatter.com—which will go live early next week—where readers will be able to share their own anonymous stories. Students at several schools including Harvard, Stanford, and Franciscan University will host additional events around Valentine’s Day, highlighting the value of healthy relationships through initiatives including table displays, book give-aways, campus-wide lectures, and opinion editorials.

Read more here.

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