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Student government allocates $1500 for migrant caravan

‘In solidarity with Central Americans…en route to the United States’

A campus student government recently passed a resolution pledging financial and moral support to the migrant caravan moving toward the United States, with the student representatives claiming that they have “an opportunity to monumentally serve the Latinx community by transcending institutional tradition and using their governmental privileges to push initiatives rooted in the resistance or injustice and restoration of humanity.”

The measure, a Senate Resolution passed by the student government at the University of California, Berkeley, pledges “$1500 of  commercial revenues” to a student organization called Central Americans for Empowerment; that organization has “been asked to donate and monitor the allocation to the non-profit organization: Freedom for Immigrants,” according to the measure. 

The proposal features nearly thirty “whereas” statements, with the student government making various claims such as “within the campus population, Latinx students make up 14% and of that Central American students are further marginalized considering they only represent 3% of the Latinx population” and “the United States is violating the human rights of these refugees by physically prohibiting their legal entry and access to a fair asylum process, as stipulated by international law.” 

The resolution states that the school’s Chicanx Latinx Student Development Office has already sent “$800 worth of donations” to the caravan, “including but not limited to clothes, shoes, diapers, non-perishable foods, and personal notes of encouragement.”

According to Campus Reform, numerous students attempted to persuade the representatives to vote in favor of the measure; one claimed that to vote against the proposal would be “ignorant and violent,” while another said that a no vote would be “petty.”

The measure was passed unanimously. The proposal ultimately resolves “that the Associated Students of the University of California be in solidarity with Central Americans on the UC Berkeley campus and those en route to the United States in  pursuit of asylum and safety.”

Read the resolution here.

(h/t Daily Wire)

MORE: Student groups demand abolition of ICE, national borders

IMAGE: docstockmedia / Shutterstock.com

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