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Statue of Man in Underwear Prompts ‘Fear of Sexual Assault’ at Women’s College

Wellsesley College, an elite all-women’s institution in Massachusetts, is abuzz with controversy surrounding a statue that was erected on campus this week.

The statue depicts a man, sleepwalking in his underpants, and has been set up in a high-traffic area outside the college art gallery.

Many students have complained in the 48 hours since the statue was installed. And a petition demanding the statue’s removal has been circulating online.

Why all the fuss?wellesleysleepwalker22-thumb-520x693-125381

The language of the petition explains student objections this way: “[T]his highly lifelike sculpture has, within just a few hours of its outdoor installation, become a source of apprehension, fear, and triggering thoughts regarding sexual assault for many members of our campus community…”

The work is entitled “Sleepwalker,” and is by sculptor Tony Matelli.

How w0uld you feel about having to walk past this sculpture on your way to class every day?

Click here for more details.

(Image courtesy of / (Via Drudge)

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