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State DREAM Act introduced in Pennsylvania

When the federal DREAM Act failed in the Senate in late 2010, a number of states took to state legislation to offer assistance to undocumented immigrant youth attending college. In June, Pennsylvania followed in their footsteps.

Introduced by State Rep. Tony Payton (D-Philadelphia), the Pennsylvania Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act would allow undocumented immigrants to pay in-state tuition, if passed.

To qualify, the undocumented citizens would have to have attended three years of school in Pennsylvania and must have graduated from a high school in the state. Students’ parents must have also filed Pennsylvania income taxes for at least three years while the children were in school, and must continue to pay income taxes while the student is enrolled in higher education.

Temple for a DREAM President Caroline Ezzo hopes to assist in the bill’s passage.

Read the full story at the Temple News Online.

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