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Snakes on a Plane

The hideous crimes of Jerry Sandusky may have been even broader in scope than investigators first realized. New allegations have emerged that Sandusky may have been part of a network of pedophiles, and an eye witness has told investigators that he saw Sandusky and a Penn State donor/booster abusing boys on a private jet. This from Radar Online:

Federal investigators have questioned another man about a possible child abuse sex ring involving Jerry Sandusky and a Penn State booster, RadarOnline.com is exclusively reporting.

We broke the story that U.S. Postal Inspectors and the FBI questioned a man who alleges he has direct knowledge of Sandusky and a prominent Penn State booster engaging in illegal activity with children…

While some headlines about the new investigation have centered on possibly seductive letters Sandusky sent to his victims and child porn sent through the mail, the even more sickening allegations from the eyewitness could lead to criminal charges against another Penn State-affiliated man and the feds are pursuing the lead diligently, the source reveals.

“They are starting with the known victims in trying to run this down,” the source says, “because unfortunately the eyewitness does not know who the boys are.

What is more shocking–this man’s crimes, or the fact that so many people witnessed or knew about his crimes and did nothing to inform the police, and nothing to stop him from abusing more children?


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