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Short Film of UT Student’s Bizarre Staring Goes Viral (VIDEO)

It’s tough to predict what’s going to resonate with the masses, and the latest viral video coming out of left field features a University of Texas student staring at people in an odd way on and near the campus.

Apparently the young man has had this staring talent since high school, which is how he got his nickname “Gator,” The Daily Texan reports:

“The 3-minute and 24-second video is set to the 2007 song “Stop and Stare” by OneRepublic and shows government freshman Jacob “Gator” Weaver standing completely still and staring at people on and near the UT campus as they try to figure out what he is doing. Pearce Murphy, a Daily Texan photographer and radio-television-film junior, filmed it from hidden locations. Weaver made the video with Murphy for Beta Upsilon Chi — Brothers Under Christ, a Christian fraternity they are pledging.”

As of Dec. 31, the video had 166,000 views and counting. It was published Dec. 4 with the description: “How long could you handle the Gator’s stare? Watch as we follow him around campus to find out how others fare against his mighty gaze.”

The video is relatively harmless, although in a way it’s awkward and sad and silly all at the same time. It’s unclear whether the appropriate reaction is to laugh or cringe. Perhaps judge for yourself.

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