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SFPA Fellow Josh Fatzick on Politicians’ Commencement Speeches

Josh Fatzick, SFPA’s 2012 Spring Fellow at The Hill, has made a list of politicians who are giving commencement speeches this year:

Call it the campaign cycle’s rite of spring: Politicians always seem to sprout up behind a university commencement lectern this time of year — but especially during presidential elections.

It’s no coincidence that President Obama spoke to Barnard graduates this week. The all-female college represents one of this election’s most important voting blocs — women. On the GOP side, presumptive presidential candidate Mitt Romney spoke Saturday at Liberty University, an institution emblematic of his party’s right wing.

“All this stuff is very calculated,” said Cal Jillson, political science professor at Southern Methodist University (where former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice addressed graduates on Saturday).

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