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Scientist Says Groundbreaking Stem Cell Study Was Bogus

The Wall Street Journal reports:

A Japanese research institute said Tuesday it was weighing whether to retract studies that described a surprisingly easy way to make stem cells in the lab, a day after one of the co-authors said the research contained “crucial mistakes.”

The co-author, Teruhiko Wakayama of Yamanashi University in Japan, called Monday for the retraction of the findings, published in late January in a pair of papers in the journal Nature.

The papers drew international attention because they held out a safer, easier and more ethical technique for creating master stem cells. These cells, which can be turned into all other body tissues, promise one day to transform the treatment of various ailments, from heart disease to Alzheimer’s.

But shortly after the papers appeared, Japan’s Riken Center for Developmental Biology, where the work took place, began to investigate alleged irregularities in images used in the papers. Separately, many labs said they couldn’t replicate the results…

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