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Sandusky Wife Contadicts Defense Testimony

Dottie Sandusky, who has claimed she never saw or heard evidence of her husband abusing children in her home while she was upstairs and he was with the children in the basement, made a statement yesterday that appears to contradict earlier defense testimony:

Dottie Sandusky came to her husband’s defense, disputing several allegations made by the alleged victims and attacking the character of three of them.

But she also said something that cancels out the defense testimony of two fellow former Penn State assistant coaches — that Sandusky’s 15-hour work day didn’t allow for him to spend much time with kids.

Dottie said her husband came home every night for dinner, no matter what, and would sometimes spend an hour with his kids, and then work from home.

Closing arguments in the case are expected to take place within days.

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