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Sandusky ‘Not Who They Say He Is,” Claims Wife

Dottie Sandusky, wife of perhaps the most notorious child molester of our time, joins the long line of mothers and wives of criminals who simply choose to live in a state of denial. ESPN reports that she made a brief statement this week, saying that her husband, a convicted child abuser who will spend the rest of his life in prison, is “not who they say he is.”

Dottie Sandusky testified at her husband’s trial last month. She said she remembered most of the men who told a jury that her husband sexually abused them, but she said he never had inappropriate contact with them as boys.

She also said the basement where the boys would stay wasn’t soundproof, a statement that contradicted one man’s testimony that he screamed during an assault but couldn’t be heard.

Sandusky stood by her husband since allegations first came out last year that he sexually abused boys. She posted his bail, accompanied him to court proceedings and issued a statement in December that proclaimed his innocence and said that accusers were making up their stories.

In her testimony last month, she said she knew several of the accusers, some well. Some of them, she said, were “clingy” around her husband while another was “charming.” Nearly all would stay overnight in the Sandusky home and her husband “would tell them good night,” she said.

That’s remarkable Dottie–the idea that all those men would choose to make up stories about being abused, and that the eye-witness accounts were fabricated as well. Must be hard to realize that you married a monster who raped boys in your house while you were watching TV upstairs. But take our advice: Right about now would be a good time to stop publicly defending your perverted and demented husband.

Read the full story at ESPN.com.

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