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Rutgers RAs walk out of trainings, allege ‘anti-Palestinian racism’

‘When the Nazis and radicals come once again for the Jews,’ it’ll be Residence Life’s fault.

The new school year is beginning just where the old one left off — that is, anti-Israel/pro-Hamas college students are back at it, demonstrating yet again how they were raised under the banner of Oppression Studies.

At Rutgers University, some resident assistants ended up walking out of a mandatory “bias” training because it supposedly “under- and misrepresent[ed] Palestinian people,” according to The Daily Targum.

The training, led by the group Right To Be, discussed the “types of disrespect” Jewish and Muslim individuals deal with: “[Y]ou’ll leave feeling more confident intervening the next time you see antisemitic or Islamophobic harassment online or in person,” the group states on its website.

According to some in attendance, however, Right To Be “framed October 7 [when Hamas terrorists kidnapped and killed over 1,200 people] in the context of religious bias, rather than historical events.”

Other beefs included the training using stats from the Anti-Defamation League, its definition of “antisemitism,” and Palestinians being “only mentioned when speakers talked about Hamas.”

In typical Oppression Studies mode, the campus Students for Justice in Palestine (suspended until 2025, by the way) complained on Instagram that the RAs “were subjected to a training that featured a flawed and dehumanizing portrayal of Antisemitism/Islamophobia predicated on the permanent subjugation of Palestinians.”

MORE: Anti-Israel activists disrupt Rutgers new student orientation, brag on social media

SJP wrote that Right To Be “began egregiously with a quote attributing Oct 7th to Islamophobia/Antisemitism, ignoring the 76+ year occupation of Palestine.”

They also whined about the RAs having been “forced into an unsafe environment,” and that DEI-related trainings like Right To Be’s aren’t suppose to “perpetuate Zionism, racism, and white supremacy.”

The post included a quote from an alleged Palestinian RA who moaned about how the training “reduced [the student] to nothing” due to Palestine “not being mentioned once.”

Perhaps most head-scratchingly, the SJP included a quote (pictured) from an alleged Jewish RA whose family “survived the genocide of the Jewish people” (presumably during WWII) — that “when the Nazis and radicals come once again for the Jews” the blame will be on groups like Rutgers’ Residence Life due to its perpetuation of “ignorance.”

“I am tired of the word Antisemitism [sic] being used to talk over genocide,” the RA said. “I am tired of Antisemitism being inflated.”

Ignorance, eh? Like this, where one in five 18-29 year-olds think the Holocaust is a myth? Where forty percent of college-age Americans believe Israel is deliberately trying to exterminate the Palestinians?

Enough, already. The singular focus on Israel and the Jewish people as responsible for the ills of the Palestinians is antisemitic, and originates from far-left “critical” oppression studies.

In other words, it’s a bunch of crap.

MORE: Sorry, New York Times, but current campus protesters ARE idiots

IMAGES: Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock.com; SJP Rutgers New Brunswick

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.