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Rick Scott wants to shift funding, focus to science, tech degrees

How useful is an anthropology major? Not very, according to Florida Gov. Rick Scott:

Scott said Monday that he hopes to shift more funding to science, technology, engineering and math departments, the so-called “STEM” disciplines. The big losers: Programs like psychology and anthropology and potentially schools like New College in Sarasota that emphasize a liberal arts curriculum.

“If I’m going to take money from a citizen to put into education then I’m going to take that money to create jobs,” Scott said. “So I want that money to go to degrees where people can get jobs in this state.”

“Is it a vital interest of the state to have more anthropologists? I don’t think so.”

Scott’s plans to shift the focus and funding of degree programs in the state is part of his promised big reforms to the state’s education programs, modeled on Gov. Rick Perry’s reforms in Texas. In addition to the types of education students are receiving, Scott is looking at introducing tenure-limits and merit-pay for faculty.

[Sarasota Herald-Tribune]

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