A little over a week ago, the University of Manitoba highlighted one of its DEI — diversity, equity and inclusion — officials who believes that “inclusion is a right.”
“It is wrong to discriminate,” said Valerie Williams of the UM Rady Faculty of Health Sciences. “So I feel passionately about every person being treated with dignity and respect.”
“Let’s embrace our diversity,” Williams added. “Let’s create a culture where if we witness or experience discrimination, we speak up with kindness and compassion to build understanding.”
Williams’ department website states
All learners, faculty and staff – regardless of race, ethnicity, colour, religious beliefs, national origin, rurality, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, political beliefs, language and socio-economic status – are to be valued for their individuality, advanced academic pursuits, and contributions … [emphasis added]
Williams is absolutely 100-percent correct, of course. Everyone is entitled to dignity and respect — provided they offer same. If someone wants to assert they have no gender … or a man claims he’s “become” a woman (or vice versa), I couldn’t care less. Just don’t hassle me for my beliefs to the contrary.
MORE: Progressives’ inanity is their greatest weakness
But let’s be real here — U. Manitoba, like other institutions of higher learning (and progressive individuals in general) don’t really mean it when they include political beliefs among things to be “valued.” Any political belief contrary to theirs is “hate,” “anti-(fill in the blank)” or “fascist.”
If you don’t believe me, tell a progressive you want a moratorium on immigration. Tell a progressive you’re pro-life. Tell a progressive you believe in the Second Amendment. Tell a progressive underage children shouldn’t have access to sexually explicit material in their school library. And, yes, tell a progressive that men cannot simply “become” women.
You’re likely to hear in response that you “hate brown people,” are “anti-woman” and “want to oppress LGBTQ people.” Etc.
Over the last few years, too, progressives have virtually trademarked the phrase “the science.” But they only care about “the science” when it conforms to their politics. It is easily jettisoned when it comes to transgenderism and other facets of LGBTQ theory, to name but two.
Here’s an idea: Try asking a progressive how a man can “become” a woman, but a white person cannot become a black person. (Rachel Dolezal, I’m sure, would like to know.)
So, colleges and universities, spare us the touchy-feelie puff pieces about your DEI employees. The vast majority of DEI programs in our schools, higher and lower ed, are vacuous, self-contradictory shams designed to make progressives feel good about themselves … while not doing a single thing for the betterment of society as a whole.
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IMAGE: igorstevanovic / Shutterstock.com
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