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Professor praises Romney

In a somewhat shocking turn of events, we found a professor at a mainstream university who actually praised Mitt Romney. David Kass, a finance professor at the University of Maryland, attended Harvard Business School in 1973 with Romney. Kass, recently interviewed by the University of Maryland’s student newspaper, offered up high praise for the Republican presidential candidate —- but stopped short of endorsing him. The article states:

 … Kass remembers Romney stood out among the more than 100 students in the class. It was a rigorous class in which students had to study complex business scenarios like acquisitions and mergers and they had to prepare to discuss how they would address those issues. But Romney never shied from discussion — in fact, Kass remembers that Romney was the most vocal class member — and a star in a class that hinged almost entirely on class participation.

“I thought that Mitt Romney, in my opinion, was the best and brightest in the class,” Kass said. “I thought Mitt Romney’s analyses went far deeper than anyone else’s.”

… The negative campaign by Obama allies, which paints Romney as an out-of-touch candidate, doesn’t live up to how Kass remembered his own experiences with him.

“I think what you’re observing is just politics. I think the Obama campaign is trying to create that image of him, which would not be helpful for him to be elected,” Kass said. “I don’t think it’s justified.”

Kass added both campaigns have been negative in their attacks, but wouldn’t say who he plans to vote for in the upcoming election.

“I see strengths and weaknesses in all the candidates,” he said. “I try to be politically impartial.”

Yeah right, professor. We can read between the lines. You’re voting for Romney. Admit it.

As an aside, Kass recently wrote an interesting analysis that indicates incumbent presidents typically win re-election —- unless the economy is in the tank. Check it out by clicking here.

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