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Prof strips naked, goes berserk

A math professor at Michigan State University allegedly stripped naked, ran naked through his classroom and screamed “There is no f*cking God!” before police apprehended him, according to several news reports summarized in a Huffington Post article.

An ABC news report also cites students online comments, including this one:

“I was in Calc 1 at Michigan State University, and my teacher was always pretty eccentric, but today he went overboard. Half way through class he started screaming at us, swearing left and right,” the student said. “He then started slamming his hands on the window and pressing his face against it, still screaming. Eventually he walked out and down the hallway to the end, all while screaming. He then came back into the classroom and took off his clothes, except for his socks. You know someone’s crazy when they leave their socks on lmao. At this point everyone in class ran out. We were literally scared for our lives. The police took about 15 minutes to get here and during this time he continued walking around screaming.”

According to a Michigan State University statement posted by ABC:

“MSU police responded and took the man, a university professor, into protective custody and transported him to a local hospital. No one was injured and the professor is not being charged with a crime.”

Geez, what does it take to get an indecent exposure citation in Michigan these days?


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