An online campaign has been launched by a conservative Catholic group to oppose the upcoming scheduled appearance of Angela Davis at Seattle University, a Catholic institution.
“It would be difficult to find a speaker who contradicts the teaching of the Catholic Church on more levels than Angela Davis,” writes James Bascom for TFP Student Action. “Stalin maybe? She is a notorious feminist, Marxist, communist, socialist who engages in pro-abortion, pro-same-sex ‘marriage’ activism.”
TFP Student Action works to harness its network of students and parents to defend traditional moral values on college campuses, and its latest target is the Davis lecture, scheduled for Oct. 17. The group asks supporters to email their concerns “politely yet firmly” to Seattle University President Fr. Stephen Sundborg.
The group, on its website, lists a parade of concerns it has about Davis, including:
In 1980 and 1984, Davis ran for vice-president of the United States on the Communist Party ticket together with Gus Hall. …More recently, she delivered a speech in Detroit proposing “socialism for us all.” Davis was also active in the Black Panther Party. …
The group also cites examples of Davis’ support for same-sex marriage and abortion.
“Everyone knows that Communism is responsible for killing about 100 million people; and countless people still suffer from its death grip in Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam and China,” notes TFP Student Action director John Ritchie. “So why does this ideology continue lurking in the halls of liberal academia with impunity? Even worse, why is a Catholic university allowing Davis on campus when she publically merges abortion and same-sex ‘marriage’ with Marx?”
The speech will be hosted by the university’s Center for the Study of Justice in Society, which aims to “promote scholarship and analysis that examines the theoretical and practical roots of
injustice,” according to its website.
Davis’ speech in mid-October will follow a number of activities related to studying the Black Power movement, according to its website. On Sept. 25, the campus will show the film “Black Power Mix Tape,” and on Oct. 6 it will screen “Vocabulary of Change,” described as a “conversation between Tim Wise and Angela Davis about the myth of meritocracy and entrenched inequities which covers a diverse range of social justice issues.”
Davis’ visit is billed as something that will inspire students’ imagination, spark their desire for a better world and ignite their advocate within, according to the campus website.
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