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Stanford student paper implies College Republicans are racist for noting campus reality

A recent situation involving The Stanford Daily exemplifies perfectly how (campus) political correctness is always a no-win scenario for conservatives.

A Stanford College Republicans mixer was to take place at the same time as “various race-based events” like the Black Community Welcome and the Chicanx/Latinx Community Welcome. As a result, SCR member Annika Nordquist sent an email to organization members which led to the Daily playing racial “gotcha”;  it framed her message as implying the SCRs couldn’t care less about recruiting students of color.

Here’s the line from Nordquist that raised the Daily’s hackles: “I’m guessing our target audience will be available.”

In a response to the Daily, Nordquist pointed out the obvious:

[…] the official programming for minority groups at Stanford takes an approach focused on social justice and instills a victim mindset that conservatives of all nationalities do not find appealing. Thus, in my email I referred to the events very consciously as “race-based” since they speak about issues from a racial perspective distasteful to conservatives.

SCR President John David Rice-Cameron added “The email did not in any way suggest that students of color are not our targets for recruitment. It simply implied that these events organized at ‘community centers’ are designed to appeal to leftists, which recent history shows is a safe assumption.”

More from the Daily:

Rice-Cameron affirmed SCR’s commitment to diversity.

“I would venture to guess that SCR is one of the most racially diverse clubs on campus, and hence, the accusation that we target white students is laughable,” he wrote, responding to an earlier headline for this article.

In the email, Nordquist said that the group intends to facilitate a space “for the ProFros to meet each other and know who their ‘allies’ will be in class next year … and most importantly see that Stanford conservatism is alive and well.” …

[…] Stanford Democrats President Gabe Rosen ’19 took issue with the notion that a group would choose not to engage community center affiliates.

“I find it very problematic, to put it mildly, for representatives of any campus organization to imply that their outreach only applies to students who don’t engage with community centers,” he wrote in a statement to The Daily. “Community centers are vital spaces for the facilitation of dialogue and inter-community bonds across campus; it is disappointing to see a potential desire to disengage with them.”

Oh, come off it, Rosen. Both you and the Daily are engaging in the typical silly game of trying to catch your political opponents — conservatives — in a racial “gaffe” when you know damn well their explanation is perfectly legitimate and politically realistic.

Campus race-based organizations are overwhelmingly left-wing, and worse, look what happens when people of color do express conservative viewpoints at colleges.

Look no further than the recent imbroglio over Kanye West’s and Chance the Rapper’s comments about Donald Trump and the Democratic Party, respectively.

Read the full Daily article and Nordquist response.

MORE: Stanford group focuses on ‘decoloniality’ in educational settings

MORE: Stanford history conference was ‘too white’ and ‘too male’

IMAGE: Max Sparber/Flickr

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Associate Editor
Dave has been writing about education, politics, and entertainment for over 20 years, including a stint at the popular media bias site Newsbusters. He is a retired educator with over 25 years of service and is a member of the National Association of Scholars. Dave holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Delaware.