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Classy: Students stuff pie in Donald Trump’s face to create scholarship for undocumented student

One student group at UNC Chapel Hill apparently thinks so low of President Donald Trump that it offered students the chance to stuff a pie in his face at a cost of $2.

The Daily Tar Heel reports the Students United for Immigrant Equality held an event on campus Wednesday that gave students the opportunity to throw pie at a member of the pro-immigrant group wearing a Trump mask.

The group told the student newspaper the funds raised will be used to establish a scholarship for a high school student in the country illegally.

“We have been trying to do a scholarship for an undocumented student for at least two years,” said the group’s co-chair, Diana Marquez.

Pictures on the group’s Facebook page show students chucking pie at the mock Trump and the group claims the event was a hit. In fact, Marquez said the group will try “to do it again at least two more times” this semester.

Read the article.

MORE: Wheaton College to offer full scholarship to student affected by travel ban

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