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UC Merced Democrat: Gun-free zone kept us safe from knife-wielding Muslim attacker

Meet the college Democrat who believes gun-free zones are why his campus is so safe.

Tristan Jones, a recent grad who worked as a student leader with Young Democrats at UC Merced, posted his reactions on Facebook this week to the mass shooting in Orlando by saying that, thanks to his university’s gun-free zones, student attacker Fasial Mohammad’s stabbing spree last fall was not as bad as it could have been because the knife-wielding Muslim could not easily obtain a gun on campus.

“There was a stabbing at my university back in November,” Jones writes. “If not for California’s gun laws, and the fact that the University did not allow guns on campus and in residence halls, it would have been a shooting. … Imagine if [Mohammad’s] roommate had a gun. Or even anyone in his dorm building. Instead of going after students with a knife so that he could ambush a police officer so that he could get a gun, which was his plan, he could have just stolen it from one of his peers.”

Last fall, 18-year-old Mohammad went on a vicious stabbing spree wounding four others before being shot and killed by a campus police officer — with a gun. UC Merced also maintains a policy prohibiting knives with blades bigger than 2.5 inches on campus — a rule Mohammad disregarded.

After his rampage, Mohammad was found to have an image of the ISIS flag, a handwritten manifesto with instructions on how to behead someone, and reminders to pray to Allah.

Back to Jones, who also argued “citizens don’t stop gun crimes with their guns. Nor should they. Reacting appropriately in a dangerous situation takes training and care. Police don’t want private citizens dueling criminals with their guns because the vast majority of private gun owners do not have the training to do so in an appropriate way.”

Read the Facebook thread here.

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Fix Editor
Jennifer Kabbany is editor-in-chief of The College Fix.