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Harvard threatens all-male clubs again with new deadline for whether they will go coed

Harvard University’s sexual assault task force pointed the finger squarely at the school’s single-sex final clubs for allegedly high rates of “nonconsensual sexual contact,” recommending their total eradication in a report last month, and now the administration is jumping on board.

The Harvard Crimson reports:

Dean of the College Rakesh Khurana has issued an April 15 deadline for final clubs to inform administrators whether or not they will go co-ed, according to three club leaders present at a Tuesday meeting with undergraduate leadership of female and male clubs.

The paper notes that Amherst adopted a policy in 2014 that prevented single-sex club members from being enrolled at the college, and “Khurana’s deadline indicates that the College could still be seriously considering Amherst’s strategy.”

But, weirdly, not for unrecognized Greek organizations:

After the two-hour meeting with final club leaders from both male and female clubs, Khurana met with undergraduate leaders of unrecognized fraternities and sororities at Harvard. According to two undergraduate attending that meeting, Khurana did not issue a deadline on a co-ed decision to the Greek life organizations.

Khurana has been on a jihad against final clubs since he took over as dean nearly two years ago, and he’s ramping up the pressure now because noncompliant final clubs called his bluff:

In an October 2015 letter explaining to their graduate board the sudden move to go co-ed, the undergraduate leadership of the Fox [final club] referenced a Khurana-imposed November 1 deadline for all clubs to go co-ed, writing that Harvard had “forced [their] hand.” There were no apparent repercussions for the six all-male clubs who did not act on the supposed deadline.

The paper reports that Khurana also met with the A.D. final club last week, which previously said it “strongly” opposes a coed mandate and one of whose members “was also preparing a possible legal defense” against a mandate.

Read the story.

RELATED: Harvard sexual-assault task force recommends nonstop training, eradication of male-only clubs

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